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  • Naiman Labs #45. Let's kickstart the year!

Naiman Labs #45. Let's kickstart the year!

Hello everyone! Welcome to the 1st issue of Naiman Labs in 2024!

I hope you all had a great holiday season, and now you are recharged and ready to kickstart 2024, achieving your goals and getting ready to have 2024 as the best year of your life (so far).

Of course, we cannot skip the New Year vibe and ignore the goal-setting topic.

Personal goal-setting is always needed, not only to foster discipline or to motivate yourself. Goal-setting exercise is often more important than goals themselves. As I wrote in a previous newsletter:

Reflection is an exercise where we can help our minds. We have a lot of thoughts whirling in our heads, and how this reflection practice works for me - it allows me to just “off-load” these warp of thoughts from my head on paper.

Similar to the reflection practice, goal setting helps us focus and set the right priorities. Without this, we will all run in multiple directions and finish nowhere.

I am sure you can relate to this. Imagine you go to bed, and suddenly, you have these thoughts:

  • tomorrow, I’m going to start the morning with 30-min yoga practice

  • tomorrow, I’m going to write 3 pages of my new book

  • tomorrow I’m going to eat green salad and chicken breast

We all have this whirlwind of thoughts, ideas, and desires to do. This is precisely why we need to set the goals for us.

I follow a straightforward approach in the goal-setting exercise 🎯

I observe three areas of my life: Health, Career, and Social. Of course, there’s more inside, but it’s always easier to cluster in simple three buckets.

🌟 Step 1. I create the vision. There is no timeline, no metrics, just vision. How do I see myself in all these 3 areas? Sometime in the future.

🎯 Step 2. I set goals for a year - what do I want to achieve in different areas related to these 3 buckets? Protip: I always try to keep myself from setting over-ambitious goals. I am confident that I will not lose 10kg (even if I want to).

✅ Step 3. I divide the goals into smaller sub-goals or ideas of what I need to do to achieve them. If I aim to get 1000 USD in passive income, the goal helps me only a bit - I know this is where I want to go. But I also need to do something to achieve this, and for this, I need to decompose this goal into something smaller, like identifying the potential resources for the passive income.

🌟 Good luck in 2024, my dear subscribers! Set your goals and kickstart this year! 🌟

🌟 Let this year bring us all prosperity, joy, happiness, and peace! 🌟

There’s a little bit more…

We are upgrading this newsletter to make it more insightful and engaging for you to read. Stay tuned; some good changes are coming.