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  • Not an ordinary post. Naiman Labs Newsletter

Not an ordinary post. Naiman Labs Newsletter

Hi friends!

I wanted to share something different this week, but the most recent events happening in the world made me change my mind.

Instead of sharing something productive and useful, I want to share something different.

We all should just try to be better in what we do. Better every day. It doesn’t matter if you are an engineer, office worker, barista or soldier. We should always try being better. Being better in what we do. Being better in the impact we make. This will always bring more meaning in our lives and in lives of the people around us.

I believe that people tend to do stupid, ugly, harmful things when they have no meaning in their lives and no love.

I believe that if we wake up every day and make ourselves promise to become better and to make sure that our today is better than our yesterday and the day before, we’ll make this world better. And our world urgently needs to become a better place.

That is it. No structure and no tips today. Just my random thoughts.

Thank you everyone!

Let’s be kinder, let’s be better and let’s make this world to be a better place.

Vlad from Naiman Labs